N.A.N Nose & Toes Whip with SPF
This product is fairly similar to us humans having a soothing lip balm!
A wonderful formula of natural, moisture rich ingredients, that come together in a soft whip texture for easy application for your dogs nose or toes which may be in need of some TLC.
N.A.N Nose & toes whip aids in sun protection as well, and is a product free from essential oils, as I prefer not to have essential oils on doggie noses! This is a super gentle but effective product! And a small bit goes a long way!
The story behind N.A.N Nose & Toes Whip:
I started looking into doggie nose balms and salves after owning my first boxer dog, who always seemed to have a dry and cracked nose. I have met multiple dogs since then that have suffered from dry noses, and hyperkeratosis, especially boxers and other brachycephalic breeds. One of these being one of my current boxers that I adopted, who had terrible hyperkeratosis. Nothing worked, everything rubbed off before it soaked in, he would lick it off and rub his nose into the ground. His nose was dry, swollen, and almost had a corrugated texture which became tender and hard to apply some of the balms I bought for him.
I needed something softer, more silky and easy to apply as he had a severe hyperkeratosis and was clearly uncomfortable. After many back and fourths with ingredients and ratios, I finally found something I love!
This product is so soft and easy to glide over rough surfaces, it’s a light soufflé whip which is so moisture rich it helps to nourish, heal and protect.
N.A.N nose & toes whip also provides some sun protection! So it’s great as an all year round preventative too!
All Ingredients are proudly Australian, vegan and cruelty free. No nasties or chemicals which make this a lick safe product also
Directions: We recommend that you apply the nose balm whilst your dog is eating or having a treat to let it soak in. For severe cases you can use up to 3 times a day. For preventative care use every 2-3 days. Not to be used on puppies under 10 weeks of age.
Hyperkeratosis is where a surplus of keratin is produced, which usually is present in the nose or paw pads, presenting as a thickening or hardening of skin. This is a gradual process which eventually leads to cracking which can result in infection and bleeding.
Causes: genetics, zinc deficiency, parasites, distemper and auto immune conditions, (particularly Lupus, where one of the symptoms is severe skin hardening).
When the hyperkeratosis is more prone to the pads rather than the nose it is usually caused by severe liver or pancreatic issues and more commonly seen in older dogs. This can result in the dog limping as the cracks can get quite severe.
Hyperkeratosis can also appear on other parts of the body, such as elbow calluses, and these can also benefit from N.A.N Nose & Toes Whip.
This product is fairly similar to us humans having a soothing lip balm!
A wonderful formula of natural, moisture rich ingredients, that come together in a soft whip texture for easy application for your dogs nose or toes which may be in need of some TLC.
N.A.N Nose & toes whip aids in sun protection as well, and is a product free from essential oils, as I prefer not to have essential oils on doggie noses! This is a super gentle but effective product! And a small bit goes a long way!
The story behind N.A.N Nose & Toes Whip:
I started looking into doggie nose balms and salves after owning my first boxer dog, who always seemed to have a dry and cracked nose. I have met multiple dogs since then that have suffered from dry noses, and hyperkeratosis, especially boxers and other brachycephalic breeds. One of these being one of my current boxers that I adopted, who had terrible hyperkeratosis. Nothing worked, everything rubbed off before it soaked in, he would lick it off and rub his nose into the ground. His nose was dry, swollen, and almost had a corrugated texture which became tender and hard to apply some of the balms I bought for him.
I needed something softer, more silky and easy to apply as he had a severe hyperkeratosis and was clearly uncomfortable. After many back and fourths with ingredients and ratios, I finally found something I love!
This product is so soft and easy to glide over rough surfaces, it’s a light soufflé whip which is so moisture rich it helps to nourish, heal and protect.
N.A.N nose & toes whip also provides some sun protection! So it’s great as an all year round preventative too!
All Ingredients are proudly Australian, vegan and cruelty free. No nasties or chemicals which make this a lick safe product also
Directions: We recommend that you apply the nose balm whilst your dog is eating or having a treat to let it soak in. For severe cases you can use up to 3 times a day. For preventative care use every 2-3 days. Not to be used on puppies under 10 weeks of age.
Hyperkeratosis is where a surplus of keratin is produced, which usually is present in the nose or paw pads, presenting as a thickening or hardening of skin. This is a gradual process which eventually leads to cracking which can result in infection and bleeding.
Causes: genetics, zinc deficiency, parasites, distemper and auto immune conditions, (particularly Lupus, where one of the symptoms is severe skin hardening).
When the hyperkeratosis is more prone to the pads rather than the nose it is usually caused by severe liver or pancreatic issues and more commonly seen in older dogs. This can result in the dog limping as the cracks can get quite severe.
Hyperkeratosis can also appear on other parts of the body, such as elbow calluses, and these can also benefit from N.A.N Nose & Toes Whip.
This product is fairly similar to us humans having a soothing lip balm!
A wonderful formula of natural, moisture rich ingredients, that come together in a soft whip texture for easy application for your dogs nose or toes which may be in need of some TLC.
N.A.N Nose & toes whip aids in sun protection as well, and is a product free from essential oils, as I prefer not to have essential oils on doggie noses! This is a super gentle but effective product! And a small bit goes a long way!
The story behind N.A.N Nose & Toes Whip:
I started looking into doggie nose balms and salves after owning my first boxer dog, who always seemed to have a dry and cracked nose. I have met multiple dogs since then that have suffered from dry noses, and hyperkeratosis, especially boxers and other brachycephalic breeds. One of these being one of my current boxers that I adopted, who had terrible hyperkeratosis. Nothing worked, everything rubbed off before it soaked in, he would lick it off and rub his nose into the ground. His nose was dry, swollen, and almost had a corrugated texture which became tender and hard to apply some of the balms I bought for him.
I needed something softer, more silky and easy to apply as he had a severe hyperkeratosis and was clearly uncomfortable. After many back and fourths with ingredients and ratios, I finally found something I love!
This product is so soft and easy to glide over rough surfaces, it’s a light soufflé whip which is so moisture rich it helps to nourish, heal and protect.
N.A.N nose & toes whip also provides some sun protection! So it’s great as an all year round preventative too!
All Ingredients are proudly Australian, vegan and cruelty free. No nasties or chemicals which make this a lick safe product also
Directions: We recommend that you apply the nose balm whilst your dog is eating or having a treat to let it soak in. For severe cases you can use up to 3 times a day. For preventative care use every 2-3 days. Not to be used on puppies under 10 weeks of age.
Hyperkeratosis is where a surplus of keratin is produced, which usually is present in the nose or paw pads, presenting as a thickening or hardening of skin. This is a gradual process which eventually leads to cracking which can result in infection and bleeding.
Causes: genetics, zinc deficiency, parasites, distemper and auto immune conditions, (particularly Lupus, where one of the symptoms is severe skin hardening).
When the hyperkeratosis is more prone to the pads rather than the nose it is usually caused by severe liver or pancreatic issues and more commonly seen in older dogs. This can result in the dog limping as the cracks can get quite severe.
Hyperkeratosis can also appear on other parts of the body, such as elbow calluses, and these can also benefit from N.A.N Nose & Toes Whip.