There are some misconceptions about animal nutritionists with people believing that we are all about “raw or nothing”, and that I will be pushing raw feeding onto my clients. Although I am enthusiastic about raw feeding and it’s my chosen feeding method for my own pets, I will not be pushing anyone into feeding raw if they don’t want to, and I actually don’t advise it for every client. For some clients I recommend that they cook their pet’s food, for some I advise part cooked, part raw components, hence the consultation so I can advise the best meal plan for your individual pet’s needs. If you are not comfortable feeding raw, it is perfectly ok to voice that to me and I can cater that in your meal plan. However, I do educate people on how to feed raw so that they are confident in doing so if they wish. My passion and aim are for as many pets as possible to have fresh food in their bowl, whether that is raw or not, as an alternative to processed.
Absolutely not! If you are happy with the dry food your pet is on and don’t want to transition to a completely fresh food diet, we can have a look at the nutritional content in your current dry food and work out a way we can add some fresh food elements correctly so that your pet is getting all their nutritional requirements.
This is something I hear a lot, especially from cat owners. I work with fussy feeders all the time, and I have lots of tips, tricks, and weaning ideas to help you. Pets may be fussy for a number of reasons but I will work alongside you and your pet to make the transition as easy as possible. I’m yet to have a pet that hasn’t ended up loving their new food!
After your consultation your customised meal plan will be devised, and all the correct amounts for each ingredient will be given to you in an easy-to-read, recipe-style layout.
What you need to remember is your pet was designed to eat raw food. They have a short tract digestive system so food doesn’t sit as long inside the gut as it does with humans, which helps prevent bacteria colonising. they also have a high acidic content in their gut, which makes it almost impossible for bacteria to survive. But with anything that concerns raw food, your hygiene has to be paramount. Wash your hands thoroughly throughout meal prepping just as you would when making dinner for yourself or your family. Wipe down all surfaces and utensils thoroughly when preparing your pet’s food to minimise any contamination risk, and always regularly clean your pet’s food bowl.
The answer to this question is that it isn’t a one size fits all scenario. I usually say that you will see results in roughly 4-6 weeks, however, a lot of clients see results much sooner, some within days!
Of course! However please let me know all the medication your pet is on and provide me with as much detail on their health as possible during the consult, so I can devise the best meal plan for your pet. I am always happy to liaison with your vet so we can collaborate, to devise the best plan forward for your pet. Please remember, booking a consulate with Natural Animal Nutritionists should definitely not be a substitute for veterinary care and assistance.
I get this question a lot! The answer is yes, natural diets are full of benefits for seniors, however, we take our time with weaning them onto the new diet and yet again it’s on an individual basis, and always going at the animal’s chosen pace. I have transitioned several clients that are 13/14 years old with great success! I love golden oldies!
Most definitely and I encourage owners to start transitioning young. However, I can’t stress enough how important it is to do this via an animal nutritionist, to ensure your puppies and kittens are getting the correct nutrients for growing correctly to avoid deficiencies that can lead to serious implications.
Most certainly. I can cater to pregnancy and lactation, however, please do not attempt a home-cooked diet for your pregnant pet without the advice of a nutritionist!
Please let me know if you require a payment plan and we can cater so your pet doesn’t miss out!